Community of Practice in Deafblindness Exchange Activity: 2ᵉ Edition
Mark your calendars!
Join the 2ᵉ Exchange Activity for members of the Deafblindness Community of Practice on November 13, 2024 from 9 am to 10 am (Montreal time)!
The virtual meeting will focus on access to health care. Dr. Isabelle Bouillevaux, a general practitioner, will present the reception system for people with deafblindness at the Nancy Regional University Hospital in France. She will use case studies to illustrate the communication accommodations used. During the meeting, members will be encouraged to share the tools they use to access health care. We look forward to seeing you there!
Here’s the link to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 668 2137 0497
Passcode: 570170
Visit the Community of Practice web platform at any time to access publications related to deafblindness. Use the Community of Practice email address to share your publications and volunteer to present a clinical topic at an exchange activity!
Subscribe: Homepage – Communauté de pratique en surdicécité
Access to healthcare for people with disabilities: two online tools!
Since 2010, the Coactis Santé association in France has been working continuously to facilitate access to healthcare for people with disabilities. Its members have created several tools, including SantéBD, an online educational toolbox available in six languages.
It uses images and simple words to better explain health to children and adults in care settings to facilitate
– Preparing for medical appointments;
– Consenting to care;
– Understanding information from caregivers;
– User-caregiver dialog.
Visit the SantéBD website: Accueil SantéBD
2- Mon carnet santé
Stakeholders in Quebec’s Bas-Saint-Laurent region have also developed a tool. Mon carnet santé is a document designed for people wishing to better communicate their health needs to healthcare staff.
The tool helps people to better prepare for medical appointments and, at the same time, becomes a concrete means of sensitizing caregivers to taking the time to communicate in an accessible way. It is not specifically dedicated to deafblind people, but it can be adapted to their needs.
Visit : Mon carnet santé :
Online symposium (IURDPM)
The Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal is offering an online symposium on the theme: How to promote functional communication in people with a sensory or language impairment? Innovative practices at different stages of life. The symposium takes place on November 20, 2024. You can find all the information you need by following this link:
translated by DEEPL.