The DeafBlind Network of Ontario (DBNO) will host the 18th Deafblind International World Conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, from July 22 to July 28, 2023.

The theme of the event celebrates ‘Global Connections: The Future in our Hands’which includes a comprehensive 4-day educational program.

For the first time, this conference will be designed as a Hybrid event, offering content in-person and virtually.

All sessions will be recorded so that registered participants can view after.


The Scientific Committee invites persons interested in presenting at the 18th Deafblind International World Conference to submit abstracts for presentations.

Presentations and abstracts that are created, designed, produced, implemented, or analyzed with individuals living with deafblindness are strongly encouraged.

The purpose of the presentations is:

  • To provide an opportunity for participants to present studies relevant to the field of deafblindness.
  • To share practice innovations or program evaluations. Solutions-focused and practice-orientated presentations are welcome.
  • To present lived-experiences that highlight unfulfilled needs in research, service provision, education, or intervenor service.

The Scientific Committee welcomes submissions in a traditional research abstract format, or workshop, lived-experience or presentation format. The deadline for online submissions is July 1, 2022.

Please visit our website at: ( for more instructions and the link to the submission portal.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at: